Yes, we started around 6400 feet above sea level and finishes about 4600 feet above sea level. Where I live is about 400 feet above sea level. And yes people, it was downhill most of the race. However, I ran almost a minute per mile faster that I have in any other 1/2 marathon that ended 4000 feet above sea level higher than where I train. 4000 feet people!
My final time and the wonderful American Fork 1/2 marathon was:
This is not 1 minute, not 5 minutes, but 11+ minutes faster than my last PR. (Southern California 1/2 marathon 2:25:15)
Some things have changed since that southern California race. I've been having heel pain for a while. I finally went to a podiatrist who put me in "running boots" (really he told me to meet him halfway and get regular, neutral running shoes. No more vibrams until the pain is gone.) Apparently my calves are really tight. I've been stretching everyday. I've also given in to a course of anti-inflammatories. But this is a story for another post.
The longest I'd run in the last 3 weeks was 8 miles.
I'm still riding high off this PR and the knowledge that at the very least, 5 minutes of this is PR is legit off a flat race. This makes all the hard work, the slugging through miles with dead legs, the waking up early on day's the bean is at his dad's and I can sleep in, completely worth it.
There is no amount of ranting, complaining, crying, or pouting that will achieve your goals. I won't get anywhere wishing and hoping. Wishing and hoping are good to get you stared planning. But plan you must. A training plan, a transition back to work plan, a get me out of this horrible place plan. Then execute.
Somewhere along the way, I stopped obsessing about the final goal. I stopped beating myself up because I wasn't already at an 8 minute mile. I put my head down and ran. I drug myself out of bed after long nights or when it looked cold or hot or whatever outside. When I was tired during a run, I repeated my mantra, 'This is where the work is done." and I kept running.
Now to defend this PR in Chicago...
Congrats, Yas! This is really incredible and such an inspiration to me as I struggle to get motivated for the San Jose half. I really hope I can do you proud and meet my goal of 2:30.
WOW! You're amazing, Yas!!! <3
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